
Aug 17, 2021

21 Cousins

This is a shout out to one of our amazing contributors and supporters, Diane de Anda – mom, author, teacher, Latina woman extraordinaire! Her latest book, 21 Cousins, cleverly highlights the beautiful diversity of Latino and mestizo families as readers are introduced to each cousin. Whimsical illustrations by Isabel Muñoz are filled with rich details, delivering a cornucopia of color for young readers. Featuring a mix of skin tones, personalities, and abilities, 21 Cousins is a delightful read that invites children to appreciate the rich heritage of Latino culture. Please read below for additional information and where to purchase.


Tall, short, big, small, athletic, artistic . . . cousins may look different and have different interests and abilities, but that just makes them one extraordinary family! From Maricela’s bilingual spelling skills to Mario’s tech whiz abilities, no two cousins are alike—and that’s just the way they like it. All the cousins are muy entusiamados for the surprise at their family gathering!

Title Information

21 Cousins

By Diane de Anda

Illustrated by Isabel Muñoz

32 pages • Ages: 4-8 years

Hardcover: 978-1-59572-915-6 ($16.99)

Paperback: 978-1-59572-916-3 ($6.99)

Also available in Spanish: 21 primos (978-1-59572-923-1, $6.99)

Publication date: April 20, 2021

About the Contributors

Diane de Anda is a professor emerita of social welfare at UCLA and a community voice on violence prevention and stress management among adolescents. She is the author of eight children’s books, including the awarding-winning titles Mango Moon and The Day Abuelo Got Lost, and has edited four books on multicultural social work. Her work focuses on empowering Latino youth. Diane lives in Playa del Rey, California. Here is her website:

Isabel Muñoz is a lifelong artist and children’s book illustrator. She studied fine arts at the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. Isabel loves to dwell on the details of children’s stories that cannot be seen with the naked eye. She lives in Spain. Here is her artist profile:

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