Nature Girl

Apr 8, 2016

Navagating life

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

Nature Notes

It’s been an incredibly tough couple of months, both physically and mentally.  There is no way you can know how bad a cancer diagnosis will feel until you experience it. I’ve been there with my hubby and other loved ones, I had no idea how hard this is.  I think the mental part of dealing with a life threatening illness is far harder then being sick from the treatments.  I’m still trying to find my way though all of this.  One foot in front of the other, one treatment at a time.

One thing that I’ve found, is that learning to live in the moment seems to be the best way to avoid living in so much mental pain.  Filling each day up to the brim doing things you adore, eating foods you love and seeing people who make you feel good makes all the difference in the world.  Even if you don’t feel all that good, living while you are undergoing treatment is so important.  I’m lucky that I have so much support and love to help me each and everyday, but in the end, it is up to me to find my way and to make myself happy.  I’m a work in progress.

My hubby is away on his annual trip, I plan on starting my Naturalist Class tomorrow morning!


I am going to be a kid again on Summer vacation, spending every waking moment enjoying life and nature!

Today, I took the boy up to the land.  We then did a bird drive.  I sat at the edge of a wetland and listened to Peepers, toads and also a Gray Tree frog!

I crossed a handsome little Painted Male and ran into a birding friend!  He was so happy to see me out and birding!

Yup….I need to do that every single day!

By: Nature Girl – See Original Post Here

#Outdoors #Inspirational #Nature #ASliceofLife #Motivational #Humor #HealthampWellBeing
