My opinion is that everyone is nice and good. God is good, and we will somehow be ok. We have to take care of ourselves and treat each other nicely. What you give, you get. If you want something, give it's equivalent. It's a mathematical equation.
Talk to yourself. We hear you. You can make a difference and prevent a lot of negativity. Sometimes I give myself speeches.
We hear you. You don't need to let it rip publicly.
How do you feel? Really feel?
Talk to yourself out loud. Take care.
Treat yourself to a piece of chocolate, a change of polish nail service, or compliment a stranger. So many beautiful people. Tell someone you like them! This is your sign.
Keep a journal. How do you really feel? Write it out, the answers will come.
Put on a beautiful piece of music. Dance around the living room! Record it for Tik Tok or YouTube. Start a social media channel. Take selfies! Take pictures!
Everywhere you go, take pictures.
Hug a loved one. Eat a barbequed hamburger!!!! Meat is so good.
Choose love.
Choose love.
There is a way out of this and that's focusing on yourself and being the best you can be. Tune out jealousy. Screw that. They don't even understand.
Ask someone out. Buy a crush a slice of pizza.
Looking fine as always.
You got this.