Unexpected news . . .
My friends kidney failure
A future death sentence
Difficult words to hear
a somber lonesome tear
Half shaved, long-haired
Big beautiful green eyes
Grabbed my lonely heart
On that Valentine’s Day
What about that one, I queried
Thinking we could be a match
She gently put him in my arms
He has a bucket load of charm
His paw taps gently on my face
I’m sold in the first ten seconds
Then began our two-some journey
My rescued friend and me
Always greeting me at the door
Sitting politely on all fours
Waiting for me to pick him up
My butterscotch boy of fluff
I don’t know who cares more
Him for me or me for him
Comforting my falling tears
Calming my monster fears
Purring sweetly on my lap
Snuggled up for timely nap
His warm heart near to mine
Mister fourteen years in time
Loving him the best I can
Food to support his kidneys
Vet’s visits, pain medication
A pet owner’s dedication
A day will come not far off
When his spirit will live no more
Except in my mind’s memory
A joyful fury ball of energy.

In Loving Memory of Mister