Freelance/Health & Wellness
“Tea in the morning stimulates thinking, revives one’s spirit.Tea after meals clears the throat, helps digestion.Tea during the day quenches thirst, does away with frustration. Tea after work soothes muscles, melts away fatigue.”
–Chinese tea drinking song
Mint Lemon Ginger Tea

One of my favorite teas to drink when I’m feeling a little under the weather is Mint Lemon Ginger Tea, which doesn’t have any tea in it at all. It’s a mixture of chopped fresh ginger root, dried mint leaves, and a slice of lemon. I steep this for 10-15 minutes. It’s so soothing.
The term ‘tea’ can refer to leaves from the tea plant used to make a beverage or it can mean an herbal mixture that is steeped in water and drunk. Growing your own herbs and making a tea from them? Deeply satisfying.
Here are some recipes to try (use dried organic herbs, filtered/distilled water, and steep covered for at least 10 minutes for best results):
Raspberry Tea (said to ease labor pains): 1-2 tsp dried raspberry leaves for every cup of boiled water.
Beebalm Tea (said to ease sore throats): 5-6 tsp dried beebalm leaves for every cup of boiled water. The leaves, blossoms, and stem can be used in the tea.
Chicory Tea (said to relieve congestion): 2-3 tsp dried chicory leaves and two flowers for every cup of boiled water. If the roots are roasted and ground, you can use them in place of coffee.
Dittany Tea (Origanum dictamnus)(said to reduce cold and flu symptoms): 2-3 tsp dried dittany leaves for every cup of boiled water.
Chamomile Tea (said to soothe stomach aches): 1 Tbsp of dried chamomile flowers for every cup of boiled water.
Cinnamon Tea (said to soothe coughs): Simmer ½ a stick of cinnamon in one cup of water for 10 minutes.
Anise Tea (said to soothe stomach cramps and reduce flatulence): 1 tsp of dried anise leaves for every one cup of boiled water.
Jasmine Tea (said to be calming): 1 tsp of dried jasmine flowers for every cup of boiled water. To be extra effective, combine with 1 tsp of dried chamomile flowers.

Herbal tea eases, soothes, relieves and calms. Try a cup for yourself.
Courtesy Debra McDermott – Debra is a Guest Blogger & Contributor to our Magazine (This recipe appears in our Jan/Feb 2016 Issue)