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Writer's pictureJennifer Bonn

Parenting with the Outcome in Mind

As a parent of three, I remember parenting can often feel like a focus on mere survival, but the small attempts at being the best parent you can be, can make a huge difference in the person your children become. Use the resources you have to give your children a chance to build memories and ask yourself what outcome you are hoping for when your children become adults.

When each of my children was born, I prayed they would be good people. I wanted them to be kind and thoughtful, but I also wanted them to know how to stand up for themselves. I enrolled two of them in karate to teach them self-defense and discipline. My oldest daughter was tough enough without the class!

Making traditions has always been important to me, and I love it when my children carry on those traditions with their families. All three children understand the importance of family time. They know how to enjoy those sweet moments together.

Children need to be around other children, so think about enrolling them in free classes where they can interact. We sent ours to soccer camp where we watched a herd of children run from one side to the other. We also sent them to art camp and an outdoor adventure camp.

As a French teacher, I was expected to organize student trips to France, so I took my children with me. I wanted them to become global citizens. If you can afford travel, it is an amazing educational experience to teach about other cultures and perceptions.

Consider communicating with them about social media before they are allowed to use it. After they start to use it, continue to keep the communication channels open.  

Teach your children how to interact with others by modeling it for them. Teach them to be servant leaders.

Decide what else you want your children to learn from you, and continue to do your best in survival mode.

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