So I was having a bright moment with the kids in the kitchen the other day. We were cooking pasta and chicken and somehow the subject of dancing came about. Of course I had to chime in about what a great dancer I was back in the day - disco and rock. I mean, I danced with the best of them - doing the hustle and banging my head!
As I was shaking my hip and enjoying the moment, my son said to me, "So, Mom, you're really talking about waltzing, right? Since you were born in like the 1800's?"
As my daughter chuckled, I grabbed my son's arm and said, "shall we?"
Needless to say, after some fancy footwork, I threw the young lad for quite the loop. He turned a blush red and panted a bit. Then he fell to the chair as I let him go.
I, on the other hand, walked away quite pleased - knowing after all these years I've still got the moves! :)

What a great reminder that we are never too old to enjoy ourselves. :)