The house of no one at all
Sits at the top of the hill
The windows are gone
the paint worn, chipped off
The stories run wild
The ghost of a dead child
Roams the house at night
Staying freakishly out of sight
Black cats and witches on brooms
Seen meandering dark rooms
Heavy pounding on the walls
It seems count Dracula calls
Creaky floors and eerie lights
Give candy beggars a scary fright
Soft whispers heard in the halls
Eyes stare from art on the walls
Sticky spider webs hang down
Lively jack o lanterns wear a frown
A witches cauldron over the fire
Green-faced witches brew desires
On hallows eve the child walks
Tricksters stare in utter shock
As she roams from room to room
Screaming spells of utter doom
The house shivered and sprawled
Anger stored deep in its walls
Shaking beams in the hall
yes no one’s house did fall
