As a writer for a blog for seniors, I just had to write this.
In our apartment, my daughter and I use puppy pads as back up for, you know, mistakes.
I came in having trouble with my scooter, it seems the battery was dying. I must admit it got me home.
I failed to see a puppy pad on the floor near the door. Of course it got into my wheel on my scooter. There I was. My battery was dying—which it shouldn’t have been by the way, I charged it all night.
I saw the pad stuck in my wheel. What should I do? I reached down trying to pull it out. Wasn’t going to happen. I should mention reaching down to the floor is not an easy task these days.
I thought about being stuck in the snow in winter and how you rolled the car back and forth to get it unstuck. Yes, I used what was left of the power to go back and forward over the puppy pad. Guess what? It didn’t work. It was thoroughly stuck now.
Getting a scissor from the nearby drawer, I poked at it, cut it, pulled at it. A little at a time all that nice little white padding in the puppy pad was flying out all over the place, but the pad was hanging in there despite my efforts. Even my curious cat was trying to help me.
Next, my daughter gave it a try. “Mom, how did you do this?”
“Well, you see, my plan didn’t work to get it loose.”
“I can see that.”
She worked on it for quite awhile, and we both walked away from it for a bit to brainstorm.
In the meantime, I called maintenance and yes, said, I had something stuck in my scooter wheel, but I truly did not say what. He was at lunch. Lucky break for him.
I remembered a steak knife I had with a fancy sleeve and everything. I used my walker to go get the steak knife to get back in the scooter and start at it again. I had some success as it was pointed on the end and very sharp and could get in the crevices.
Now, it was down to just the part caught in the wheel, all together in a ball.
My daughter came and gave it another go. She was able to get the final glob out of the wheel and it turned once more.
We celebrated. Another senior moment foiled.
Now, there was tiny white pieces of puppy pad everywhere. I told her I would vacuum it up. She said, “With what vacuum?”
You see, we had moved here recently and many things went by way of the trash trying to downsize. Luckily, I had a tiny bit of wisdom at the time, knowing how messy the pets were, and of course, I was, to pack it.
So I am sitting on my walker, vacuuming all this up. I didn’t know that I could do that, by the way, sitting down. So many talents, lol.
Needless to say, I will never run over a puppy pad with my scooter, who knew?
I saved the best for last, the puppy had peed on the pad previous to this little mishap making it totally, awfully more messy with many verbal “yuks” being expressed by all.

LOL!!! 🤣
Fantastic!!! Nothing like starting the day with some good humor. Thank you!!!! 🤣