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Patricia Lynne
Oct 2, 2015
Seniors Who Rock!
Tony, who is seventy-nine, still tackles the ivory keys with vim and vigor. He has been playing for sixty years. Today he gave a concert...

Debbie Murphy
Sep 30, 2015
How Smug Thou Art!
Now ladies listen up…. It was that time…dread, terror and sheer panic enveloped me as I realised it was time to broach the subject with...

Lisa Cummings
Sep 28, 2015
Shall we dance?
Tonight a song came on and my daughter started dancing. I mean she was getting down. Arms all akimbo. Bopping up and down. I watched her....

Patricia Lynne
Sep 18, 2015
Meet Our Newest Blogger!
The Adventures of Mister… This butterscotch beauty is sooooo handsome and he just loves to chat! He is also a big ham and loves to send...

Patricia Lynne
Sep 17, 2015
Remember Carbon Paper?
Carbon-Paper_Indigo by 0Emilian Robert Vicol from Com. Balanesti, Romania, Public Domain, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons Now I am using...

Debbie Murphy
Sep 16, 2015
Winning the Mum’s Race…
Thoughts of an English Mum Sports Day at my son’s school…the final race. There was silence but for the intake of breaths. The suspense...

Deanna Wolverton
Sep 8, 2015
Forgetting My Son!
Get up, get ready, kiss the kiddos and head off to work. I usually get home at around 6:30 and today was no different. Out of 5 kids,...

Patricia Lynne
Sep 5, 2015
The Grandma Theresa Gene
It feels strange to be the last surviving member on my family of origin. William, Helen, James, Dennis, Richard, Patricia; me. I know I...

Paula Timpson
Aug 31, 2015
My Son
Poetic Thoughts He’s looking at me his blue eyes, big and wonderful, and I wonder, “What he is thinking?” “I miss you when I’m at...

Aug 27, 2015
Back To School Edition!
This issue celebrates Kids growing up, Kids going Back to School, National Grandparents Day, and the Everyday Working Mom. We are always...

Patricia Lynne
Aug 26, 2015
“A-Ha” Moment
I find it interesting how much I enjoy now at 62 the same endeavors of my childhood… I spent summer days at the beach a block from my...

Darlene Pistocchi
Aug 18, 2015
Let's Talk Trash
What’s with teenagers and the garbage? Don’t they understand that it goes IN the trashcan and not sit ON top of it????? Anyone??? I am...

Patricia Lynne
Aug 17, 2015
Joy in the morning
First thought coffee, right? I do love coffee, but I am speaking about my morning smoothie. For various reasons, my adult daughter and I...

Paula Timpson
Aug 11, 2015
Let Go and Trust
The wind whispers. The trees speak. The birds sing. They all have the same message: “Let go and Trust. Everything is okay. You are loved....

Paula Timpson
Aug 7, 2015
To simply, ‘be’; Is to sit within, Finding Compassion For the way things are Today~ To place another upon the cross, Is to believe in...

Aug 5, 2015
Are you a Screamin’ Mama?
Thank you Linda Seccaspina xox Today I got my copy of Screamin’ Mamas Magazine in from Florida. I look forward to it each time I get it....

Deanna Wolverton
Aug 4, 2015
Toddler Tales of Turmoil I used to wonder anytime I went out and saw a kid dressed in some mismatched crazy outfit, “What was that parent...

Paula Timpson
Aug 1, 2015
The Moon & The Cross
as I awaken, I see the light the moon shines deep within my heart and, as i step out, on our lanai to look up in wonder, the prayers...

Debbie Murphy
Jul 30, 2015
The Art of Distraction…
So my 12 year old son asked me today, out of the blue, what a certain rather rude word meant. After spluttering out my tea and drawing...

Deanna Wolverton
Jul 28, 2015
Teenage Tales of Terror! I just took an extended lunch, went to the mall, had to park far away, walked about two blocks in 91° weather...

Patricia Lynne
Jul 25, 2015
Mister Plunket
Yes I admit it. I am a “cat lady”. After my youngest son left the nest for college, I just happened to drive by an animal shelter. My...

Darlene Pistocchi
Jul 13, 2015
Where’s the confounded brush?
So I catch my darling daughter using my brush yesterday. I tell her to be sure to put it back in my room. We've had this discussion many...

Lisa Cummings
Jul 12, 2015
What ” we” as special needs parents really need.
We can so all use these words of wisdom…. We Need you to accept our children unconditionally. We Need friends that we can count on even...

Debbie Murphy
Jul 8, 2015
I Wish…
Thoughts of an English Mum I wish I could run… Like a child in the playground, free and uninhibited. I wish I could throw on my trainers...
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